He used colours with great spontaneity sometimes as a backdrop to his powerful drawings. Despite royal blood from Kerala, his personal struggle was immense and instead of making him bitter, it only made him a person whose scandal meter was zero.”On the other hand, Suhas Roy was this gentle soul whose tobacco- and paan-stained teeth would peep from behind his ever-smiling countenance. He was very fond of plying one with wine, books — including some that he had written — and good conversation. We called him Kaka and his wife Sushila Masi since both studied at Shantiniketan during the time my parents were there.
He was known for making portraits of Radha almost to the point where it became his signature.” Later, as the reader and professor at the faculty of fine arts in Baroda, K.G. Subramanyan, fondly known as Mani, Mani sir and Mani da, meant many things to people and an ongoing exhibition at the India International Centre of his work curated by artist Vijay Kowshik explores his myriad dimensions. Says Vijay, “He would always be Mani Kaka ever APET sheet manufacturers since his visits to our home in Delhi in the 50s. His thoughts were conveyed through these and the writing was clear and precise, conveying the essence with strength and conviction. I am in a way aiming at creating very intense faces that I have envisaged and studied from life. He liked to experiment with various materials and has made works in terracotta, ceramics, cement castings with sand moulds, bamboo and wood, and reverse painting acrylic paint on acrylic sheet among others. By this time, he had a large following of his students who had become established artists in their own right.
He penned and sketched a number of books for children, which have been very popular. I had gone to meet him at E. One of his works in which he took enormous pride was the “sculpturesque” car and auto rickshaw he created from a real car and auto rickshaw. These last few months, the art world has lost three important artists and during this festive period, I want to remember the happy interactions that I had with them. Here is wishing all of a wonderful Diwali! Dr Alka Raghuvanshi is an art writer, curator and artist and can be contacted on alkaraghuvanshi@yahoo. The trio I am referring to is Yusuf Arrakal, K. He dressed young and in excellent if sometimes flamboyant taste in denims and corduroys and thought very young — no wonder that he had many young artist friends who rallied around him
Megosztás a facebookonThis year, the world saw its hottest month of June ever. and Denmark said melting ice in Greenland alone will add between 5 and 33 centimeters (2 to 13 inches) to rising global sea levels by the year 2100.In Russia, meanwhile, forest fires caused by hot, dry weather and spread by high winds are raging over nearly 30,000 square kilometers (11,580 sq. tons) corresponds to a 0.Compounding the melt, the Greenland ice sheet started out behind this year because of the low ice and snow accumulation, said Snow and Ice Data Center scientist Twila Moon.Walloped by heat wave, Greenland sees massive ice melt.”She added that clear skies are likely to continue in Greenland “so we can still get a lot of ice melt even if the temperature is not spectacularly high.S.“These kind of heat waves are weather events and can occur naturally but studies have shown that both the frequency and intensity of these heat waves have increased due to global warming,” Sparrow said in a telephone interview from Geneva. Records go back to 1981. clear acrylic sheets manufacturers Berlin: The heat wave that smashed high temperature records in five European countries a week ago is now over Greenland, accelerating the melting of the island’s ice sheet and causing massive ice loss in the Arctic.
Megosztás a facebookon"The Investigating Officer could have submitted/filed the charge sheet before the (Incharge) Magistrate.A bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said the view of the high color acrylic suppliers court that restrictions imposed during the lockdown should not give the right to an accused for default bail even though the charge sheet has not been filed within the time prescribed under Section 167(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, is "clearly erroneous and not in accordance with law".The order dated March 23, 2020 (on limitation) cannot be read to mean that it ever intended to extend the period of filing charge sheet by police as contemplated under Section 167(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the bench said."We, thus, are of the clear opinion that the Single Judge (of HC) in the impugned judgment erred in holding that the lockdown announced by the Government of India is akin to the proclamation of Emergency.
Supreme Court of India (PTI) The lockdown announced by the government due to COVID-19 is not akin to the proclamation of Emergency, the Supreme Court has said holding that default bail is an indefeasible right on non-submission of charge sheet within the prescribed time.Terming its judgment in the ADM Jabalpur case during the Emergency as "retrograde", the top court said that right to life and liberty cannot be taken away without a due process of law. "The view of the Single Judge that the restrictions, which have been imposed during period of lockdown by the Government of India should not give right to an accused to pray for grant of default bail even though charge sheet has not been filed within the time prescribed under Section 167(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure" is clearly erroneous and not in accordance with law, the apex court said. Therefore, even during the lockdown and as has been done in so many cases the charge-sheet could have been filed/submitted before the Magistrate (Incharge) and the Investigating Officer was not precluded from filing/submitting the charge-sheet even within the stipulated period before the Magistrate (Incharge)," the bench said.The apex court made the observation while setting aside a Madras High Court order denying bail to an accused despite non-filing of charge sheet within within the stipulated time..
The bench, also comprising Justices M R Shah and V Ramasubramanian, granted bail to the accused on submission of personal bond of Rs 10,000 with two sureties and clarified that its March order on extension of limitation does not apply to the CrPC provisions.In the ADM Jabalpur case of 1976, the five-judge bench by a majority verdict 4:1 had arrived at the conclusion that Article 21 is the sole repository of all rights to life and personal liberty, and, when suspended, takes away those rights altogether.It said that any restriction on the rights of an accused as protected by Section 167(2) regarding his indefeasible right to get a default bail on non-submission of charge sheet within the time prescribed which cannot be allowed to be frustrated by the prosecution.The apex court made the observation while setting aside a Madras High Court order.The bench, headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan, said that the "retrograde steps taken in respect of right protected under Article 21" in the ADM Jabalpur judgment was remedied by the Parliament through constitutional amendment
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